Raising a little one comes with a host of new and exciting milestones — you’ve got first words and first steps, new habits and new ideas, plus the blossoming of their developing personalities. Yet maybe the one milestone that benefits parents as much as their children has to be potty training.

This major developmental step takes our children from a place of dependence to independence. Instead of always waiting for us parents to change their diapers, wipe them and repeat — they will now be able go when, where and how they want to, closing the door behind them no less! So to achieve this amazing transition, we at Ocean Pediatrics are here to give you the help and support that every new parent needs, with our recommendation for the perfect step-by-step guide to potty training your toddler!

Closeup of young toddler sitting on a potty.

Knowing when to start

Before you embark on the journey towards lavatorial independence, you’ll want to gauge whether or not your toddler is ready to go tush-first into this new milestone. To figure out if it’s time, start by asking these questions:

  • Is your toddler staying dry for at least two hours at a time?
  • Does your child make noticeable motions when it’s time to go?
  • Can your child pull their pants up and down whenever they want?
  • Has your toddler shown an interest in wearing ‘big-kid’ underwear?

If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to all of these questions, you can be rest assured — it’s time to begin.

Asian father teaching his young son to use the potty with a potty training book.

Prepping for the potty

A few weeks before you begin potty training your toddler, you’ll want to prep your little one with subtle hints about what’s to come. Try asking them whether they want to start potty training, tell them it’s almost time to begin potty training, and expound the benefits of doing what the older kids do. There are also several children’s books that paint the potty training experience as a wholly positive one, and will no doubt get them excited for it. We happen to love Sesame Street’s Let’s Go Potty, Elmo!, as well as the ever-quirky Everyone Poops.

Different potty training techniques

Now, if you’ve done any research on the subject, and we’re pretty sure you have, you’ve probably seen a multitude of different potty training techniques and strategies out there, all with slightly different approaches. Some are better for gradually getting your child used to using the toilet, some employ the use of different tools and accessories, and some involve simple old-school parenting wisdom, passed down from one generation to another. Now many of these techniques might fit your unique toddler better, so we suggest reviewing some of the most popular methods before choosing. One of our favorites is the 3-day potty training method. And it looks a little something like this…

The 3-day potty training method

This intensive, one-and-done method of potty training will have you diving straight into the deep end of potty training, involving a long (and somewhat messy) weekend. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Gathering the equipment
Whether you’re using a tiny floor potty, or a stepstool to your normal toilet, make sure to gather them in one place, along with a pile of extra underwear, and plenty of paper towels and cleaning supplies. You’re going to need them.

Step 2: Give them plenty to drink
You’ll want to encourage your toddler to take plenty of sips of liquid to move the process along. Maybe pick up a couple of their favorite juices to encourage them to get in those ounces.

Step 3: Wait, then hurry!
Now for the most important step: watching them like a hawk. You will notice them beginning to show signs of needing to use the potty, either rocking back and forth or touching that area on their bodies. When you see these kinds of movements, you’ll want to spring into action! Pick them up or walk them quickly to your toilet of choice, place them on it, and then sing their praises when they go correctly.

Step 4: Repeat, repeat, repeat!
You can expect to experience a number of accidents during these three days. That’s kind of the idea — but no worries, just reinforce to your toddler that it’s perfectly ok to have these accidents. You also have the option of keeping them dressed in their big-kid undies, or just having them bottomless for the weekend. One option will give you more laundry to do, the other more cleaning of floors.

Young Caucasian mother cheering on her young toddler daughter after potty training.

By the end of the third day, your toddler will most likely have the skills and the confidence to start using the bathroom on their own! Now, it’s important to say that not every toddler will automatically adhere to this method. Some children might not in fact be ready, and some might simply prefer using their diapers for the time being. That’s totally ok. As soon as they start preschool or daycare, and see other kids their own age going potty, they’ll be extra inclined to start using the toilet, too.

We hope our little guide to potty training your toddler will be just the thing to help you get them to reach this important milestone. And if you have any other questions about your little one’s health and wellness, that’s what all of us at Ocean Pediatrics are here for! So feel free to reach out to us at ocean-pediatrics.com, and be sure to keep enjoying every one of those milestones to come!